eventually giving the same reward, a ticket to the past, but without away to get back there. Upon closer observance of the town, there was nothing to be seen, nothing to resemble the chain, one of a kind, leaving us only one way to go… forward. Forward, past the bellowing of the bushes, the humming of the birds and the towering lampposts melodically leading the way to what I had come to find…
The freedom that compactness brings
eventually giving the same reward, a ticket to the past, but without away to get back there. Upon closer observance of the town, there was nothing to be seen, nothing to resemble the chain, one of a kind, leaving us only one way to go… forward. Forward, past the bellowing of the bushes, the humming of the birds and the towering lampposts melodically leading the way to what I had come to find…
The freedom that compactness brings
eventually giving the same reward, a ticket to the past, but without away to get back there. Upon closer observance of the town, there was nothing to be seen, nothing to resemble the chain, one of a kind…